Previously Published Works Uc Berkeley Supporting Material: Supplementaryfigure1 Supplementaryfigure2 Supplementaryfigure3 Supplementaryfigure4 Meaning in the Avian Auditory Cortex: Neural Representation of Communication Calls


  • Julie E Elie
  • Frédéric E Theunissen
  • Helen Wills

Understanding how the brain extracts the behavioral meaning carried by specific vocalization types that can be emitted by various vocalizers and in different conditions is a central question in auditory research. This semantic categorization is a fundamental process required for acoustic communication and presupposes discriminative and invariance properties of the auditory system for conspecific vocalizations. Songbirds have been used extensively to study vocal learning, but the communicative function of all their vocalizations and their neural representation has yet to be examined. In our research, we first generated a library containing almost the entire zebra finch vocal repertoire and organized communication calls along 9 different categories based on their behavioral meaning. We then investigated the neural representations of these semantic categories in the primary and secondary auditory areas of 6 anesthetized zebra finches. To analyze how single units encode these call categories, we described neural responses in terms of their discrimination, selectivity and invariance properties. Quantitative measures for these neural properties were obtained using an optimal decoder based both on spike counts and spike patterns. Information theoretic metrics show that almost half of the single units encode semantic information. Neurons achieve higher discrimination of these semantic categories by being more selective and more invariant. These results demonstrate that computations necessary for semantic categorization of meaningful vocalizations are already present in the auditory cortex and emphasize the value of a neuroethological approach to understand vocal communication. Introduction Although vocal communication is essential for the survival of many animal species, the neurophysiological basis of the perception of intra-specific communication signals is still not well understood. Vocalizations used by animals are rich signals that contain information about the vocalizer identity and spatial location and some “meaning” that refers to the emotional status, the intent of the vocalizer or even referential information such as a particular type of food in advertising calls or a particular type of predator in alarm calls (Marler, 2004a; Seyfarth & Cheney, 2010; Manser, 2013). Depending on the type of information a listener is attending to (e.g. meaning: presence of a danger), the variability of the acoustic signals that relates to the identity of the vocalizer (voice recognition), the production variance between renditions (Gentner, 2004) or even the transmission variability (spatial location and propagation effects; (Mouterde et al., 2014)) might be of less importance and could be ignored by the listener (Tsunada & Cohen, 2014). Identifying the neural basis of the discrimination of acoustic communication signals and the tolerance or invariance of responses to vocalizations that share the same meaning but differ acoustically is challenging. To study such natural categorization, one must use a model species for which the semantics of vocalizations can be easily derived from the observation of social behaviors. Here, we use semantics to describe call categories obtained from the meaning of vocalizations that is inferred by the behavioral contexts in which vocalizations are emitted. Also, a perfect model species should be easily reared in laboratory conditions while still producing most of the vocalizations in its repertoire during social interactions with peers (Bennur et al., 2013). Many studies on auditory categorization have used artificial categories of sounds as stimuli, after extensive training in discrimination tasks (Jeanne et al., 2011; Tsunada et al., 2011; Meliza & Margoliash, 2012; Tsunada et al., 2012). Although this research has revealed the critical role of secondary auditory areas in the representation of categories, the generalization to the processing of conspecific communication signals is questionable since intensive operant training might influence the neural processes of perception and could be different from social learning (Gentner & Margoliash, 2003; Bieszczad & Weinberger, 2010; David et al., 2012; Bennur et al., 2013). The use of conspecific vocalizations in primate neurophysiological studies has shown that spatial and semantic information are processed by two different streams (respectively the dorsal and ventral streams) in the auditory cortex of monkeys (Rauschecker & Tian, 2000; Tian et al., 2001; Romanski et al., 2005; Rauschecker & Scott, 2009; Romanski & Averbeck, 2009; Bizley & Cohen, 2013). This extensive work has begun to reveal the categorization properties at different stages of the ventral pathway: from the categorization of spectro-temporal features in the core region of the auditory cortex, to the categorization of abstract features such as call semantics in the superior temporal gyrus (STG) and the ventro-lateral prefrontal cortex (vlPFC) (Gifford et al., 2005b; Cohen et al., 2006; Cohen et al., 2009; Tsunada et al., 2012; Tsunada & Cohen, 2014). However, these studies contain clear limitations. The captive macaques were never reared in an environment that would enable them to hear and learn the usage of their own conspecific vocalizations while socially interacting with peers (but see (Gifford et al., 2003) for some discrimination of food calls by captive macaques). Also, the limited vocalization bank (Hauser, 1998) did not allow an extensive investigation of the invariance of neural representations to the voice characteristics of different vocalizers. In the present study, we used a comprehensive vocalization library to investigate the neural representation of communication calls in a social songbird species, the zebra finch. We employed a decoding model of the spiking activity of single neurons to explore where and how semantic information is encoded in the avian auditory cortex. We quantified the discrimination and selectivity properties of neurons to meaningful categories as well as the invariance of neural responses to vocalizer identity. METHODS Animals Four male and 2 female adult zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) from the Theunissen Lab colony were used for the electrophysiological experiments. The birds were bred and raised in family cages until they reached adulthood, and then maintained in uni-sex groups. Although birds could only freely interact with their cage-mates, all cages were in the same room allowing for visual and acoustical interactions between all birds in the colony. Twenty-three birds (8 adult males, 7 adult females, 4 female chicks and 4 male chicks) were used as subjects for the acoustic recordings of zebra finches vocalizations. Nine of the adults (5 males and 4 females) and all of the chicks were from the Theunissen Lab colony while six adults (3 males, 3 females) were borrowed from the Bentley Lab colony (University of California, Berkeley) for the time of the recording period (2-3 months). We used these two origins to increase the inter-individual variability of vocalizations. During the period of audio recordings, adult birds were housed in groups of 4 to 6 birds (2 to 3 pairs) and each group was acoustically and visually isolated from the other birds. Chicks were housed in a family cage with their parents and siblings. All birds were given seeds, water, grid and nest material ad libitum and were supplemented with eggs, lettuce and bath once a week. All animal procedures were approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee of the University of California Berkeley and were in accordance with the NIH guidelines regarding the care and use of animals for experimental procedures. Stimuli Vocalizations used as stimuli during neurophysiological experiments were recorded from 15 adult birds and 8 chicks (20-30 days old). Adults were recorded while freely interacting in mixed-sex groups in a cage (L = 56 cm, H = 36 cm, D = 41 cm) placed in a sound proof booth (Med Associates Inc, VT, USA). During each daily recording session (147 sessions of 60 to 90 minutes), a handy digital recorder (Zoom H4N Handy Recorder, Samson; recording parameters: stereo, 44100 Hz) was placed 20 cm above the top of the cage while an observer monitored the birds’ behavior hidden behind a blind. Chicks were also recorded with the same audio recording device while interacting with their parents in a cage (L = 56 cm, H = 36 cm, D = 41 cm) placed in a sound proof booth (Acoustic Systems, MSR West, Louisville, CO, USA). To elicit begging calls, chicks were isolated from their parents for 30 minutes to 1 hour before recording. Based on the observer notes, individual vocalizations from each bird were manually extracted from these acoustic recordings and annotated with the identity and sex of the emitter and the social context of emission. The vocalization bank obtained contains 486 vocalizations (see Table 1). Following Zann’s classification of vocalization categories (Zann, 1996), we used the acoustical signatures and behavioral context to classify the vocalization into 7 semantic categories in adults and 2 in chicks. In adults we found: Song: multi-syllabic vocalization (duration in our dataset: 1424±983 ms; mean ± sd) emitted only by males either in a courtship context (directed song) or outside of a courtship context (undirected song). Distance call: loud and long (duration in our dataset: 169±49 ms) monosyllabic vocalization used by zebra finches to maintain acoustic contact when they can’t see each other. Tet call: soft and short (duration in our dataset: 81±16 ms) monosyllabic vocalization emitted by zebra finches at each hopping movement to maintain acoustic contact with the nearest individuals. Nest call: soft and short (duration in our dataset: 95±75 ms) monosyllabic vocalization emitted around the nest by zebra finches that are looking for a nest or are constructing a nest. This category grouped together the Kackle and Ark calls described by Zann (Zann, 1996) since these two categories formed a continuum in our recordings and were hard to dissociate. Wsst call: long (503±499 ms in our dataset) noisy broad band monosyllabic or polysyllabic vocalization emitted by a zebra finch when it aggressively supplants a cage-mate. Distress call: long (452±377 ms in our dataset), loud and high-pitched monosyllabic or polysyllabic vocalization emitted by a zebra finch when escaping from an aggressive cagemate. Thuk call: soft short (53±13 ms in our dataset) monosyllabic vocalization emitted by birds when there is an imminent danger but they are reluctant to flee. For chicks, we distinguished 2 call or semantic categories: Long Tonal call: loud and long (184±63ms) monosyllabic vocalization that chicks emit when they are separated from their siblings or parents. The Long Tonal call is the precursor of the adult Distance call. Begging call: loud and long (382±289 ms in our dataset) monosyllabic call emitted in bouts when the bird is actively begging for food to one of its parent (lowering its head and turning its open beak in direction to the parent beak). These 9 call categories encompass almost all call types found in the complete repertoire of the wild Zebra finch (Zann, 1996). We did not include Whine calls and Stack Calls. Whine calls are also produced during nesting and pair-bonding behavior and although we recorded many Whines in our domestic zebra finches we did not capture a large enough number of examples from each of our subjects to include them in our neurophysiological analyses. Stack calls are produced in wild zebra finches at takeoff and are described as being intermediate between Tets and Distance calls. We did not record or were not able to distinguish Stack calls in our domesticated birds. Durations of vocalizations were obtained in two steps. First, we calculated the RMS intensity of identified sound periods in the waveform. The sound periods were defined as any sequence of non-null values in the sound pressure waveform longer than 20 ms. Second, the actual boundaries of the vocalizations were obtained by finding the window in the sound period where the rectified signal was above 35% of the RMS intensity. For the neurophysiological experiments, a new subset of the vocalization bank was used at each electrophysiological recording site (n=25). This subset was made from a representative subset of vocalizations from the repertoire of 10 individuals: three adult females, three adult males, two female chicks and two male chicks. The identity of the individuals was randomized between sites except for one male, one female, one male chick and one female chick; vocalizations from these four birds were broadcast at every single electrophysiological recording site. For each site, a subset of the vocalizations from each bird was obtained by random selection of 3 Wsst calls, 3 Distance calls, 3 Distress calls, 3 Nest calls, 3 Songs, 3 Tet calls, 3 Thuk calls, 3 Begging sequences, 3 Long Tonal calls (Fig Supp1). When birds had 3 or fewer calls in a given call category, all calls were used. The average number of stimuli per vocalization category played back at each electrophysiological site is given in Table 1. Our recording protocol was designed to obtain 10 trials per stimulus at each recording site but this number of trials varied slightly as we sometimes lost units before the end of a recording session and sometimes ran additional trials; on average each single vocalization was played 10±0.22 times (mean ± sd). Vocalizations were band-pass filtered between 250Hz and 12kHz to remove any low or high frequency noise. This range of frequencies is larger than the hearing range of the zebra finch (Amin et al., 2007). The sound pressure waveforms of the stimuli were normalized within each category to remove the intra category variability while preserving the natural average differences of sound levels between vocalization categories. A 2ms cosine ramp was applied at the beginning and at the end of each stimulus to create short fade in and fade out. Finally sounds were down sampled to 24414.0625 Hz to match the sampling rate of the processor used to broadcast the stimuli during the neurophysiological recordings (TDT System III, Tucker Davis Technologies Inc, FL, USA,). Surgery Twenty-four hours prior to the actual recording of neurons, the subject was fasted for an hour, deeply anesthetized with isoflurane (2L/min to initiate anesthesia and 0.8-1.6L/min to maintain state) and immobilized in a stereotaxic system so as to maintain its head with an angle of 50o with the vertical. After sub-cutaneous injection of 150 μL lidocaïne, its scalp was removed and a homemade head holder was glued to the outer layer of the skull using dental cement (Dentsply Caulk). The subject was housed alone in a cage for recovery until acute recording. On the morning of electrophysiological recordings the bird was fasted for 1 hour prior to anesthesia with urethane 20% (75 μL total in 3 injections in the pectoral muscles every half hour). The subject was placed back in the stereotaxic system using the head holder so its ears were free of any device. For the whole surgery procedure and recording session, the body temperature was maintained between 39 and 40oC with a heating pad. Two rectangular openings of 2 mm long and 0.5 mm large, centered at 0.95 mm lateral in the left hemisphere, 0.5mm lateral in the right hemisphere and 1.25 mm rostral to the Y sinus, were created in both layers of the skull and the Dura to enable electrode penetration. An electrode array of two rows of 8 tungsten electrodes (TDT, diameter 33μm, length 4mm, electrode spacing 250μm, row spacing 500μm) was lowered in each hemisphere. To target all 32 electrodes to the avian auditory cortex, electrodes in the left hemisphere were inserted from the left with a 15o angle to the vertical in the coronal plane and electrodes in the right hemisphere were inserted from the caudal part of the bird with a 17o angle to the vertical in the sagittal plane. Note that for one of the subjects, only one electrode array in the left hemisphere was used. Before penetration, electrodes were coated with DiI powder (D3911, Invitrogen, OR, USA) to enable tracking in histological slices. Electrophysiology Extra-cellular electrophysiological recordings were performed in a sound-attenuated chamber (Acoustic Systems, MSR West, Louisville, CO, USA), using custom code written in TDT software language and TDT hardware (TDT System III). Sounds were broadcasted in a random order using an RX8 processor (TDT System III, sample frequency 24414.0625 Hz) connected to a speaker (PCxt352, Blaupunkt, IL, USA) facing the bird at approximately 40cm. The sound level was calibrated on song stimuli to obtain playbacks at 75dB SPL measured at the bird's location using a sound meter (Digital Sound Level Meter, RadioShack). Neural responses were recorded using the signal of two (5 subjects) or one (1 subject) 16electrode arrays, band-pass filtered between 300Hz and 5kHz and collected by an RZ5-2 processor (TDT System III, sample frequency 24414.0625 Hz). Spike arrival times and spike shapes of multiple units were obtained by voltage threshold. The level of the threshold was set automatically by the TDT software using the variance of the voltage trace in absence of any stimuli. Electrodes were progressively lowered and neural responses were collected as soon as auditory responses to song, white noise, Distance call or limited modulation noise (Hsu et al., 2004b) could be identified on half of the electrodes in each hemisphere (the stimuli used to identify auditory neurons were different from the stimuli used in the analysis). Several recording sites were randomly selected by progressively deepening the penetration of the electrodes and ensuring at least 100 μm between two sites. On average 4.2±2 sites (mean ± sd) were recorded per bird and per hemisphere at a depth ranging from 400 μm to 2550 μm. Histology After the last recording site, the subject was euthanized by overdose of isoflurane and transcardially perfused with 20 mL PBS then 50-100mL paraformadehyle 4% pH=7.4. After dissection, the brain was sunk in paraformaldehyde 4% overnight to achieve good fixation, then cryoprotected in 30% sucrose-PBS. Once the brain showed the same density as the sucrose solution (usually after 48h), it was progressively frozen using liquid Nitrogen and stored in a freezer (-20oC). Coronal slices of 20μm obtained with a cryostat were then alternatively stained with Nissl staining or simply mounted in Fluoroshield medium (F-6057, Fluoroshield with DAPI, Sigma-Aldrich). The slides were visualized on a light microscope (Zeiss AxioImager) and the images were digitized using a high-resolution digital CCD camera (Hamamatsu Orca 03). While Fluoroshield slices were used to localize electrode tracks, Nissl stained slices were used to identify the position of the 6 auditory areas investigated here: the three regions of Field L (L1, L2 and L3), 2 regions of Mesopallium Caudale (CM): Mesopallium Caudomediale (CMM) and Mesopallium Caudolaterale (CLM); and Nidopallium Caudomediale (NCM). By aligning pictures, we were able to anatomically localize most of the recording sites (672 out of 914 single units) and calculate the approximate coordinates of these sites. Since we could not localize the Y-sinus on slices, we used the position of the Lamina Pallio-Subpallialis (LPS) peak as the reference point for the rostro-caudal axis in all subjects. The surface of the brain and the midline were the reference for respectively the dorsal-ventral axis and the medial-lateral axis. The approximate coordinates of units were used to build 3-D reconstructions of all single units positions in an hypothetic brain, with a custom algorithm written in Matlab (Mathworks, Cambridge, MA). Data Analysis Sound analysis of the stimuli To interpret the results of the neurophysiological recordings, we first analyzed the relationship between acoustical features and semantic categories using three measures. First we quantified the similarity between vocalizations within and across categories by crosscorrelation analyses of their spectrograms. Second we used linear discriminant analysis (LDA) on spectrograms to quantify the discriminability of semantic categories in a configuration that maximized differences between all categories. Third, we used logistic regression classifiers on the spectrograms to quantify the discriminability of semantic categories in a one-vs-all-others configuration. Since different stimulus ensembles were used at each recording site, we calculated the within category correlations and performed the LDA for each ensemble. In this manner, we could directly compare acoustical properties of an ensemble of vocalizations to the neural responses to this same stimulus ensemble. For all three acoustical analyses, we used an invertible spectrographic representation (Singh & Theunissen, 2003) instead of extracting specific features such as, for example the spectral mean. Using an invertible spectrogram has the advantage of having the potential to capture any information bearing acoustical feature with the disadvantage of requiring many parameters for describing sounds, which demands additional approaches to prevent overfitting (see below). The spectrogram of each vocalization was obtained using Gaussian windows of temporal bandwidth of ~ 3ms (corresponding to a spectral bandwidth of ~ 50 Hz) as measured by the “standard deviation” parameter of the Gaussian. The total length of the temporal window was taken to have 6 standard deviation and is therefore ~ 18 ms. All spectrograms had 234 frequency bands between 0 and 12 kHz and a sampling rate of ~1 kHz. For the within category cross-correlation analysis, we used the same 600 ms analysis frames that was used to estimate peristimulus time histograms (PSTH). This 600 ms frame required 611 points in time. For the LDA and logistic regression we used 200 ms analysis frames requiring 201 points in time. A shorter time window was required for the LDA because we wanted to isolate each syllable of polysyllabic vocalizations. Stimulus cross-­‐correlation Before calculating cross-correlation in the spectrograms of stimulus pairs, the two vocalizations were aligned using the delay that gave the maximum cross-correlation value between the temporal amplitude envelopes of the stimuli (obtained from the spectrogram by summing the amplitudes across all frequency bands at each time point). The correlation between the two stimuli was then estimated by the correlation coefficient calculated between the overlapping zones of the aligned spectrograms. Fig Supp2A shows a matrix of correlation values obtained between the stimuli of one of the sets of vocalizations used during neurophysiological recordings. For each set of vocalizations used as stimuli, the average correlations within each category and between each category and all the others were calculated. Fig Supp2B gives the mean and standard deviation of these values across vocalization sets. Semantic category discriminability: LDA and Logistic Regression For these analyses, the 600ms stimuli were first cut into individual elements that were all of the same length (200 ms) and time aligned. This step ensured that vocalizations comprised by several individual elements (Wsst, Distress, Begging calls and Songs) would be separated into single sound elements. To isolate single sound elements, we estimated the sequence of maxima and minima in the temporal amplitude envelope of each stimulus. The amplitude envelope was estimated by full rectification of the sound pressure waveform followed by low-pass filtering below 20 Hz. Sound segments were defined as all the points above 10% of the maximum overall amplitude of the stimulus and, conversely, silence was defined as all the points below 10%. The maximum of each sound segment and the minimum of each silence segment were found and used to cut the vocalization bouts into individual elements. Sound segments shorter than 30 ms were ignored while those longer than 30 ms were aligned by finding the mean time and centering this time value at 100 ms (i.e. middle of the 200 ms frame). The mean time is obtained by treating the amplitude envelope as a density function of time (Cohen, 1995), and corresponds to the center of mass of the amplitude envelope. Sounds longer than 100 ms on either side of the mean time were truncated while those shorter than 100ms on either side of the mean time were padded with zeros. After sectioning, the spectrograms of sound elements were calculated as explained above. To reduce the number of dimensions of the spectrographic representation and prevent over-fitting of the discriminant algorithms, we performed a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on the spectrograms of the sound elements. The number of Principal Components (PCs) used in the LDA was determined both by examining the cumulative fraction of the variance explained, and by performing the LDA with varying numbers of PCs (from 10 to 300 PCs). Because the performance of the classification that was achieved in cross-validated data sets peaked at 50 PCs, we used the first 50 PC coefficients as parameters in the LDA. Moreover, since the cumulative fraction of the variance explained by 50 PCs was approximately 85% of the total variance, we are confident that our database of vocalizations was sufficiently large to use LDA directly on the spectrograms (and not on a small number of acoustical parameters such as is often done in bio-acoustical research). Throughout the article, this method of discrimination on spectrograms is called PCLDAS (Principal Component Linear Discriminant Analysis on Spectrograms). To further demonstrate the selectivity and invariance properties of neural responses, we also performed a series of logistic regression analyses, one for each semantic category. The goal of these analyses was to find the unique linear combination of acoustical features that would allow one to separate one type of vocalization from all the others. The inputs to the logistic regression were taken to be the coordinates of each call in the subspace defined by the significant discriminant functions obtained in the LDA. Neural data analysis Sorting multi-­‐units to select auditory single units. 688 multi-units (2 x 16 x 18 + 16 x 7= 688) were recorded using the protocol described above. These units were sorted into single units based on spike shape (spike sorting) and twice sorted for the quality of their neural responses to sounds: before and after spike sorting. This process yielded 914 single auditory units. To identify units responsive to sounds, we quantified the reliability and strength of the neural activity in response to auditory stimuli by estimating the coherence between a single spike train (R) and the actual time-varying mean response (A). This value of coherence can be derived from the coherence between the peristimulus time histogram (PSTH) obtained from half of the trials and the PSTH obtained from the other half (Hsu et al., 2004b): γAR 2 = 1− M 2 × 1− 1 γR1,M 2R2,M 2 2 #

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تاریخ انتشار 2014